Core Web Vitals Consultant Tampa

Our Error reports cover all your issues that are slowing your website

Sample Error report:

This report details a list of JavaScript errors encountered, their frequency, and potential causes. Understanding and addressing these errors is crucial for ensuring the smooth functioning of a web application.

  1. Cannot set properties of null (setting ‘textContent’) – 7.73k occurrences: This error typically occurs when trying to access or modify a property of an element that doesn’t exist in the DOM. The use of document.querySelector might be returning null because the selector does not match any elements.
  2. null is not an object (evaluating ‘document.querySelector(…).textContent = ${precioActualizado.toFixed(2)} €‘) – 2.81k occurrences: Similar to the first error, this issue arises when the element targeted by document.querySelector is not found, resulting in null.
  3. ((ce.event.special[o.origType] || {}).handle || o.handler).apply is not a function – 1.95k occurrences: This error suggests a problem with an event handler in jQuery. It might be due to a mismatch between jQuery versions or improper use of event methods.
  4. Failed to execute ‘appendChild’ on ‘Node’: parameter 1 is not of type ‘Node’. – 1.52k occurrences: This error happens when the argument passed to appendChild is not a valid DOM node. This could be due to an incorrect reference or a null value.
  5. Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘remove’) – 533 occurrences: This error indicates an attempt to call the remove method on an element that doesn’t exist in the DOM.
  6. Argument 1 (‘node’) to Node.appendChild must be an instance of Node – 421 occurrences: Similar to the earlier appendChild error, this one also indicates that the argument passed is not a valid DOM node.
  7. Failed to execute ‘observe’ on ‘MutationObserver’: parameter 1 is not of type ‘Node’. – 319 occurrences: MutationObserver requires a DOM node to observe. This error suggests that the target element is not a valid node.
  8. null is not an object (evaluating ‘document.querySelector(…).remove’) – 178 occurrences: This is another instance of attempting to operate on a non-existent DOM element.
  9. Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘dispatchEvent’) – 103 occurrences: This error suggests an attempt to trigger an event on an undefined object.
  10. Argument 1 (‘target’) to MutationObserver.observe must be an instance of Node – 85 occurrences: Similar to the previous MutationObserver error, the target for observation is not a valid DOM node.

List of the JavaScript errors encountered along with their frequencies:

  1. Cannot set properties of null (setting ‘textContent’): 7,730 occurrences
  2. null is not an object (evaluating ‘document.querySelector(…).textContent = ${precioActualizado.toFixed(2)} €‘): 2,810 occurrences
  3. ((ce.event.special[o.origType] || {}).handle || o.handler).apply is not a function: 1,950 occurrences
  4. Failed to execute ‘appendChild’ on ‘Node’: parameter 1 is not of type ‘Node’.: 1,520 occurrences
  5. ((ce.event.special[o.origType]||{}).handle||o.handler).apply is not a function. (In ‘((ce.event.special[o.origType]||{}).handle||o.handler).apply(i.elem,s)’, ‘((ce.event.special[o.origType]||{}).handle||o.handler).apply’ is undefined): 1,410 occurrences
  6. Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘remove’): 533 occurrences
  7. Argument 1 (‘node’) to Node.appendChild must be an instance of Node: 421 occurrences
  8. Failed to execute ‘observe’ on ‘MutationObserver’: parameter 1 is not of type ‘Node’.: 319 occurrences
  9. null is not an object (evaluating ‘document.querySelector(‘#col-der .ahorro’).remove’): 178 occurrences
  10. Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘dispatchEvent’): 103 occurrences
  11. Argument 1 (‘target’) to MutationObserver.observe must be an instance of Node: 85 occurrences
  12. Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘click’): 52 occurrences
  13. document.querySelector(…) is null: 51 occurrences
  14. scrollOffset is not defined: 50 occurrences
  15. Invalid or unexpected token: 47 occurrences
  16. Unhandled Promise Rejection: 26 occurrences
  17. Can’t find variable: _AutofillCallbackHandler: 25 occurrences
  18. undefined is not an object (evaluating ‘labels[0].click’): 22 occurrences
  19. undefined is not an object (evaluating ‘cartoElement.dispatchEvent’): 21 occurrences
  20. Script error.: 21 occurrences
  21. Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘focus’): 21 occurrences
  22. Node.appendChild: Argument 1 is not an object.: 15 occurrences
  23. Unhandled Promise Rejection: undefined is not an object (evaluating ‘t.replace’): 6 occurrences
  24. Unhandled Promise Rejection: Invalid image or id: 5 occurrences
  25. Invalid character: ‘#’: 5 occurrences
  26. Identifier ‘a’ has already been declared: 4 occurrences
  27. Can’t find variable: scrollOffset: 3 occurrences
  28. undefined is not an object (evaluating ‘focusedElement.focus’): 3 occurrences
  29. Unhandled Promise Rejection: Load failed: 2 occurrences
  30. Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘sets’): 2 occurrences
  31. Unhandled Promise Rejection: e.currentProduct.toUpperCase is not a function. (In ‘e.currentProduct.toUpperCase()’, ‘e.currentProduct.toUpperCase’ is undefined): 1 occurrence
  32. Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘replace’): 1 occurrence
  33. Unhandled Promise Rejection: t is undefined: 1 occurrence
  34. cartoElement is undefined: 1 occurrence
  35. Unhandled Promise Rejection: Font could not be loaded: 1 occurrence